Today’s topic is SPEED
#1 When it comes to life, the best thing one can do for themselves is go at a quick pace, in other words acquire speed in your life. When I say speed, I mean move quickly in the things you want to achieve. If you are not attempting to move forward, you are essentially moving backwards. This is because time does not stop for nobody. Faster you are to go places or achieve your goals by setting down deadlines and timing yourself, keep yourself on the right path the better and easier it will be for you to stay on track. Many people have big goals; however, they cannot achieve them unless they break down their bigger goals into smaller segments or small wins along the way as I like to say and get to the main goal one step at a time. Never lose sight of what the main goal or thing you want to achieve is. Write down your goals and look at them every day so you are constantly reminded of what needs to get done. Complacency and pushing it off is a real thing that can happen if you do not remain disciplined and follow these basic steps.
If you want success in life, you MUST be consistent and determined to acquire SPEED in your life in everything you do. Most ordinary people’s lives consistent if very minimal speed and nothing exciting happens. It’s just the same thing every day, the same people, the same job, everything is predictable. There is no change and things move at a slow pace, in other words there is NO SPEED. This is why most people remain average and never get anywhere in life worth being proud of or bragging about. SPEED IS VERY IMPORTANT and that sense of urgency to get things done in a timely fashion is critical to your future success or lack there of unfortunately. Remember nothing ever gets done when standing still and not doing anything, nothing is going to happen for you if you don’t make it happen for yourself and SPEED in every aspect of your life is key component. Really, if you think about it speed is what separates the super successful people in life with the average and below average people. Regular people don’t want to move fast because they are comfortable in their situation, no urgency and this is why most never become rich or financially free. Once you truly desire to have something in life and you start to actually act on it and plan things out how to attain something, you will start to realize how important speed is.
MAKE THINGS HAPPEN or else nothing WILL happen for you. Hope you guys found this helpful and there will be many more advice tidbits from me to come. These little advice videos and segments I’m putting out to you all are going to be a regular occurrence on Sunday’s so look out for these gems. Matt here, signing off until the next one. Have a great day or night depending on where you are listening to this from. Take care. And remember guys take action and use SPEED as the driver and vehicle to your future success if you are not in a position in life where you want to be.